Project Three is focused on developing and implementing a sustainability and climate adaptation data framework that encourages industry alignment with policies and practices, common metrics, and data collection methods in the areas of sustainability and climate adaptation.
A Working Group has been established to develop the data framework and guide implementation. The process they are using includes:
The Sustainability & Climate Adaptation Data Framework (Data Framework) was developed to provide strategic direction for industry alignment with policies and practices, and common metrics and data collection methods in the areas of sustainability and climate adaptation.
Measuring sustainability is an essential part of the collective efforts in British Columbia to meet climate action targets and build climate change resilience. However, because there are broad and differing definitions of sustainability and hundreds of frameworks globally, there is limited consensus on what and how to measure.
This Data Framework was created to identify and focus on the most meaningful measures that demonstrate strong evidence of our desired outcomes, while ensuring the feasibility for data collection by tourism partners across BC. Using this approach, the industry can focus on what needs to change to effectively build a cleaner tourism industry that is better prepared to adapt to climate change. The data can be used by partners within the tourism ecosystem, and beyond, to develop tools to help businesses respond to climate hazards, and encourage broad adoption of common sustainability policies and practices.
The Data Framework focuses on the BCTCRI Key Strategic Objective: Build a cleaner tourism industry, that is better prepared to adapt to climate change. This objective was separated into two streams—measures for the broader tourism industry and measures for tourism businesses.
It takes time for data frameworks to be established, and then to determine, gather and use the information to support the measures. This is an adaptable framework that we will test and evolve.
To start on this journey, a few priority measures that are more readily available will be prioritized and new measures will be added over time.
The thoughtful, methodical approach to measure design is being followed by a strategic approach to implementation. To start, a select few core measures will be identified to move from data collection into data sharing, monitoring, and reporting. Through available data, as well as pilot projects, the implementation phase will test different approaches and provide learnings that can be applied to future work in this area.
The Data Framework implementation begins in 2024 with the intention of moving from data collection to data sharing by March 2025. Results will be shared through storytelling in a compelling way that inspires action and helps the tourism industry understand how to utilize this framework.
The development of this Data Framework created legacy information that can be used to inform the evolution of the resulting data system, as well as other efforts beyond the BCTCRI. As new information becomes available, we have the building blocks to progress this work.
To find out more, provide suggestions on how to progress these efforts, or learn how you can participate, contact us at
The creation of this Sustainability and Climate Adaptation Data Framework involved collaboration amongst many partners and we are thankful for everyone who informed and influenced the work.
The BCTCRI and its representative projects are developed and delivered in collaboration with partner organizations, including the six Regional Destination Management Organizations (RDMOs), Indigenous Tourism BC, and the BC Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport working together to meet the goals of this initiative.
To find out more or ask questions about the BCTCRI or any of the four projects, contact us at
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